Monday, November 16, 2009

75 Boxes of Bounty

So where has Page 854 been in recent days? Packing up a book fair, which has consumed practically all my time.

It's a great annual project we participate in with the fine folks at Carolina Day School, and more specifically with the Friends of the Library committee. The three-day book fair gives kids at the school -- and their parents -- a chance to look through and, we hope, purchase great books for themselves or as gifts, with a benefit of the proceeds going directly to their library. (At least I think it's a great selection of books; but that may be because I'm the one that picked them out, with input from folks at Carolina Day.) A total of about 75 boxes of our inventory went over there, and when I checked in about midday today, a beautiful display of them had been set up.

So best wishes to Stephanie -- the Library Dragon herself -- as well as to Kay Allison, Jennifer and all the other cool library supporters at Carolina Day for a successful book fair. And thanks again for allowing Accent on Books to be a part of this great project.

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