Monday, June 9, 2008

Whose house this was, I now well know

You'd best behave yourself if you're in the vicinity of Middlebury, Vermont, for this is a town that definitely tailors the punishment to fit the crime when they apprehend perpetrators. When 28 people, mostly teenagers, recently broke into a farmhouse where Robert Frost used to stay, and trashed the place during a wild party, the local authorities sentenced them to -- study the poetry of Robert Frost. Naturally, media reports of the incident couldn't help but refer to this as a case of "poetic justice." The person chosen to mete out this punishment was Frost authority Jay Parini, who proceeded to discuss two poems with the young lawbreakers: "The Road Not Taken" (about decision-making, appropriately enough), and "Out Out," a poem about a youth fatally injured in a sawmill accident.

I suppose only time will tell if the young delinquents mend their ways. Or become fans of Robert Frost.

More on this story can be found here.

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